Pam Foster, “Magic Hands Pam”, is a naturally gifted healer in North Norfolk, England. She has been working in this field professionally since 2004. Pam has helped detect the source of a problem in animals and humans when veterinarians and doctors were unable to come up with an answer, even sensing signs of there being something wrong before outer evidence.
“Surrender is a beautiful thing. The moment an animal or human decides to give up attachment to a trauma, new or old, emotional or physical, then harmony and balance can occur. As a facilitator, I’m able to guide them along that path, but the choice to let go is theirs and theirs alone.
I am able to feel and hear vibrations all the time! Vibrations that the majority of people aren’t aware exist.
When I begin a session I tune into an animal or person using the information my hands and my senses give me. I listen to what I hear, see and feel internally whilst I’m working. My hands “speak” to each other as they remove blockages and encourage natural flow. When I receive messages, sometimes I’m told to lay my hands in a place that may not seem logical, but the end results speak for themselves. For instance, I once met a man with bladder cancer who had been peeing blood for many weeks. I instinctively put my hands on his right side, below his ribs. He informed me later that the bleeding stopped.
It’s important to understand that continuing with regular sessions can bring about better health, it releases stress, taught muscles, skeletal misalignments, whatever it may be, it can help prevent serious illness down the road.
When I work on people they tell me it gives them a sense of peace, balance and well-being, it’s the same for the animals.
Healings encompass many forms of holistic modalities in one, I don’t adjust or manipulate, the animals do the releasing themselves. Whilst licking, chewing, yawning and sighing are the most common forms of letting go, a horse may decide to go into a yoga down dog pose during a session or even roar like a lion. One never knows!
What does it help? It works for everything from broken or fractured bones, kissing spine, spinal misalignments, sore muscles, any type of injury, infections, inflammation, concussion, nerve pain, colic, hip dysplasia, emotional trauma, behavioural issues, toxicity, cancer, allergies…..the list is long.
I’m a facilitator, I encourage healing to occur. The choice to heal is not mine. I know my healings are very powerful, I’ve been astounded by some of the feedback from clients. Truly grateful I have this gift, I’m fascinated by the journey and what’s achievable. I’ve healed medically incurable issues, such as, a 14 year old dog with an enlarged heart that was given a few months to live. Her heart returned to normal size without medication. She lived a happy life and died at age 19. A foal, just a few weeks old with a fractured shoulder that was to be euthanised by the vet. She now runs around happily in her pasture on all 4 legs! Both of these stories are on my testimonial page and many more. “
I can be reached on my mobile at 07767 357169
Pam Foster
Magic Hands Pam – PAM FOSTER
Natural Flow Animal Healing – Large and Small Animals
Horses, Dogs, Cats, Farm Animals, Wild Animals
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